Almost everyone has experienced a stiff and tense neck. But in some cases there is more to it than that and it is a painful herniated disc in the cervical spine. With the cervical microforaminotomy, the herniated disc can be repaired in 45-60 minutes and the patient is pain-free again.

Herniated disc in the cervical spine and innovative treatment methods

A herniated disc in the cervical spine is a painful and often underestimated condition. More and more people are suffering from severe neck and arm pain caused by a herniated disc. In many cases, surgery is not necessarily the first choice of treatment. In the conventional approach, herniated discs are often treated using ventral fusion, but this has disadvantages.

The Apex Spine Clinic uses innovative techniques, particularly percutaneous disc surgery and microscopic foraminotomy. In the latter, the operation is carried out from the front, with a minimal skin incision of just one centimeter. The focus is not on replacing the disc, but on removing the protruding parts. The key advantage of this method is that the patient is quickly relieved of pain. Not only that, in many cases the operation can even be carried out under local anesthesia. The entire operation takes just 45 to 60 minutes.

Focus on surgeons’ competence

An experienced surgeon can not only perform the operation precisely, but also respond to the patient's individual needs and minimize potential risks. The second, crucial aspect is the benefit for the patient. The quick and effective treatment leads to a rapid improvement in quality of life. Many patients report that their entire life has changed for the better now that they can take part in everyday life again without pain and without restrictions.

Cervical microforaminotomy and percutaneous disc surgery

A herniated disc occurs when the soft, gelatinous core of a disc protrudes through the outer annulus. The protruding parts of the disc can press on nerves, causing severe pain. A herniated disc often manifests itself as sharp pain that radiates into the arms or shoulders. The traditional method is ventral fusion, but this has certain disadvantages.

So what is meant by a cervical microforaminotomy? With this technique, the operation is carried out from the front, with a minimal skin incision. In minimally invasive, percutaneous disc surgery on the cervical spine, the disc is not replaced, but only the protruding parts are removed. The combination enables fast, gentle and effective treatment. Immediate pain relief is a characteristic feature of these innovative methods. The experience and specialization of the surgeon contribute significantly to the success and safety of the operation.

Apex-Spine Spine Clinic: Experience and expertise for optimal results

A precise examination and diagnosis by experts are the key to a successful course of treatment. The patient benefits not only from the most modern techniques, but also from a team that operates at the highest level. The spine center at the Apex-Spine Clinic presents pioneering methods for the quick and gentle repair of a herniated disc in the cervical spine. Choosing an experienced surgeon and a specialized center like Apex-Spine can make all the difference.