Have you ever experienced an acute herniated disc? If so, you probably know how painful and debilitating the experience can be. However, there are certain mistakes that should be avoided when treating a herniated disc to ensure the fastest possible recovery.

At the Apex-Spine spine center, we specialize in the treatment of back problems and in this article we would like to introduce you to the 5 worst mistakes that you should definitely avoid if you have an acute herniated disc. Because your health and well-being are important to us.

Mistake #1: Ignoring symptoms and delaying treatment

Ignoring an acute herniated disc and denying the symptoms can have serious consequences and make the situation worse. Often, a herniated disc is accompanied by severe pain in the back or leg, accompanied by numbness or muscle weakness. If these symptoms occur, it is important to take them seriously and seek medical attention immediately.

Many people tend to ignore the pain and hope that it will go away on its own. However, a herniated disc that is left untreated can be very disabling and even cause permanent damage. Therefore, if you suspect a herniated disc, it is advisable to immediately see a specialist such as Apex-Spine Spine Center for an accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment. Early treatment can prevent further complications and speed up recovery.

Mistake #2: Overexertion and wrong movements

One of the most common mistakes patients make when suffering from an acute herniated disc is overexerting their back and making incorrect movements. If you feel pain in your back, you should avoid any activities that may cause additional strain on the spine until a precise diagnosis is made. Do not lift heavy objects, avoid carrying heavy bags and be careful not to twist or bend your back.

It is important that you adapt your physical activities and focus on movements that are gentle on your back and intervertebral discs. Avoid staying in one position for long periods of time and take regular breaks to relieve the strain on your back. Also make sure that you strengthen your back muscles to improve the stability of your spine.

Exercise is not inherently wrong, quite the opposite, but it should definitely be adapted to the situation. It is best to speak to a specialist in spinal problems such as the experts at the Apex-Spine spine clinic to find out first-hand which techniques and exercises can help you cope with a herniated disc.

Mistake #3: Lack of exercise and excess weight

An acute herniated disc can be very painful and limiting. Many patients tend to take it easy when they have back pain and move as little as possible. However, this can lead to a worsening of the symptoms. It is important that you continue to move despite the pain, of course adapted to your individual situation. Here too, as already mentioned above, a professional diagnosis helps to correctly assess the situation.

It is important to exercise in moderation despite the pain to strengthen the muscles and improve the flexibility of the spine. Light exercise such as walking, swimming, gentle stretching or relaxation exercises can help to relieve the pain and promote healing. In addition, you should make sure to keep an eye on your weight. Being overweight can lead to additional strain on the intervertebral discs and slow down the healing process.

A healthy, balanced diet combined with regular exercise can help reduce weight and improve spinal health. However, remember that before starting any exercise or diet changes, you should consult your doctor or therapist for personalized treatment.

Mistake #4: Self-medication and wrong painkillers

A common mistake in the case of an acute herniated disc is self-medication and taking the wrong painkillers. Many people resort to over-the-counter painkillers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol when they have back pain, without realizing that these medications do not treat the actual cause of the problem.

Although they can provide temporary relief, they should not be considered a long-term solution. It is important that if you have severe back pain, you see a specialist who can make an accurate diagnosis and recommend appropriate treatment. This may include a combination of physical therapy, targeted back exercises and, if necessary and appropriate, supportive drug therapy tailored to your individual needs.

Self-medication can potentially lead to further complications and delay the healing process. Rely on the expertise of a recognized spine specialist to receive the best possible treatment for your herniated disc.

Mistake #5: Lack of aftercare and relapse prevention

Many people overlook or forget to think about adequate and individual aftercare and relapse prevention after an acute disc herniation. After the acute pain has been alleviated, many people tend to ignore their back problems and hope that everything is over, and fall back into old behavioral patterns. However, this can lead to another disc herniation and delay the healing process.

After an episode of acute back pain, it is important to regularly perform physiotherapy exercises to strengthen the back muscles and to pay attention to an ergonomic posture. Continuous follow-up and relapse prevention can help to stabilize the back and prevent further injuries.
Regular follow-up with an orthopedic surgeon or experienced spine specialist can also be useful to monitor the healing process and identify any problems early. Remember that comprehensive aftercare and relapse prevention is just as important as treating an acute herniated disc to ensure long-term recovery and good back health.

Health check, professional diagnosis and advice from a specialist at the Apex Spine Spine Center

We hope this article has helped you avoid 5 of the most common and worst mistakes when dealing with an acute herniated disc. By taking the right approach, you can aid your recovery and avoid potential complications. However, it is important to note that every herniated disc is different and requires individual treatment methods.

If you are suffering from back pain or think you have a herniated disc, we recommend that you undergo a health check to receive a professional diagnosis. At Apex Spine, we have internationally experienced specialists who can offer comprehensive advice and treatment. Do not hesitate to make an appointment and take your back pain seriously. Your back deserves the best possible care.