Chronic herniated discs can be very painful and sometimes difficult to treat because they are hard to reach. Neurostimulation, also known as spinal cord stimulation, can be an effective therapy alternative.

People suffering from chronic back pain suffer from symptoms that severely affect their daily routine. The symptoms are a permanent burden on physical and mental health. Spinal Cord Stimulation (SCS) is an effective treatment method and, above all, a very effective pain therapy, and thus ensures a long-term improvement in general health and often a quality of life that has long been lacking.

Spinal Cord Stimulation - Alternative to disc surgery

'Spinal Cord Stimulation' is the artificial stimulation of the spinal cord. This gentle procedure is a minimally invasive procedure. The stimulation relieves symptoms such as chronic pain or numbness caused by a chronic herniated disc.

The SCS is based on the technique of neurostimulation: During the operation, the doctor uses a neurostimulator. It sends electrical impulses to the nerves in the spinal cord. They regulate neuronal activity. The nerves transmit the artificially generated impulses through the spinal cord to the brain areas.

Thanks to the regulation, the patient does not feel any pain in the spinal area: the sensation of pain is 'electrically neutralized' in the brain. The result is a lasting freedom from symptoms and an improvement in the quality of life.

What are the benefits of neurostimulation?

  • The risk of postoperative complications such as bleeding or inflammatory processes is a maximum of 5 percent

  • Spinal cord stimulation is less painful than conventional disc surgery. Unlike more extensive surgical procedures, no scars remain

  • The healing process is accelerated by the minimally invasive procedure

  • The procedure enables a long-term improvement in health. After the operation, patients can continue their daily routine without any restrictions

  • The stimulator can be set up and operated without outside help

How does the surgical procedure work?

The procedure involves two steps. The first operation is an outpatient procedure. After admission to the clinic and an explanation session with the treating specialist, the patient is dressed in sterile clothing. The treatment can be carried out under general or local anesthesia. The surgeon creates access points for the electrodes above the patient's collarbone. This is done using the gentle keyhole procedure. The electrodes connect the neurostimulator to the spinal cord.

This is followed by a control phase lasting several days. During this time, the attending physician monitors the patient's pain sensitivity. If there is an improvement in the symptoms, the second procedure takes place under general anesthesia.

The surgeon implants a stimulator under the patient's abdominal wall. The device sends electrical impulses to the spinal cord, which 'override' the sensation of pain. The stimulator's batteries are replaced every 2 to 10 years.

The Munich spine center Apex-Spine has specialized in the treatment of herniated discs and spinal problems for many decades and uses the most advanced and gentle treatment methods, some of which have been further developed by the specialist doctors there. Spinal cord stimulation is also one of the methods for which there is a great deal of experience and a high level of expertise.

In the clinic, surgical interventions based on the principle of neurostimulation are carried out after precise diagnostics and appropriate indications. Thanks to its specialization and modern treatment methods, the renowned team of experts enjoys international recognition. The experienced specialists act not only as medical professionals, but also as confidants. They provide information on appropriate therapy measures and consider each patient as an individual when providing advice.