In recent years, spinal surgery has developed considerably, particularly with regard to minimally invasive and endoscopic surgical techniques. Precise, microscopic disc surgery is considered the gold standard, but has been further optimized by some spinal experts, so that many disc operations can now be performed minimally invasively and endoscopically, very gently and with a very short convalescence period.

Minimally invasive spine surgery includes various surgical techniques that minimize stress on muscles, tissues, and surrounding structures. The term "minimally invasive" refers to a surgical procedure that involves making only small incisions to access the area in question.

definition of terms

"Microscopic" means that a microscope is used during the procedure to get a better view of the surgical field. Microscopic disc surgery is usually performed under general anesthesia and is a minimally invasive surgical method. This method is sometimes referred to as "microsurgical" because it involves the use of fine instruments and techniques to perform precise procedures.

In an endoscopic disc operation, a thin-walled tube instrument, the endoscope, with a camera and light source at the tip is used to treat the affected disc. The endoscope is inserted through very small skin incisions, sometimes only a few millimeters long, in order to visualize and treat the disc. This technique allows surgeons to treat the disc minimally invasively and protect the surrounding tissue.

The main difference between endoscopic disc surgery is the sometimes significantly faster recovery, the much less trauma, and the mostly immediate pain relief. In addition, very experienced specialists can even perform this operation under local anesthesia in most cases, rather than under general anesthesia.

Transforaminal disc surgery

Transforaminal disc surgery (lateral approach) is a minimally invasive technique in which the surgeon operates through the space between the vertebrae, called the foramen. This access route allows the surgeon to access the affected disc directly without damaging the surrounding tissue. The disc material is then removed, creating a loss of volume that then reduces or eliminates the pressure on the nerves that causes pain, or so the theory goes.

The internationally experienced specialists at the APEX SPINE spine clinic have further developed this technique so that the risks of this operation are lower, but the chances of success have increased significantly.
What does this further development look like? This disc operation is also carried out endoscopically. The aim of the procedure carried out by Dr. Schubert at the APEX SPINE Center is to safely remove the disc herniation pressing on the nerves in the spinal canal, regardless of its location and size, using endoscopic vision. The natural state of the disc, as well as the mobility and stability of the movement segment, are thus fully preserved.

Minimally invasive techniques are the gold standard

Overall, these minimally invasive surgical methods offer a very gentle alternative to conventional, open surgery and enable a faster recovery and less post-operative discomfort for patients. It is advisable to seek advice from a specialized spine surgeon in order to find the appropriate surgical method for the individual health problem. In general, minimally invasive surgical methods are referred to as the gold standard. However, this technique has also been further developed in line with Voltaire's motto: "the better is the enemy of the good".

Endoscopic disc surgery is the platinum standard

The great advantage of endoscopic disc surgery is that the procedure is performed through tiny incisions and using an endoscope, which leads to less tissue trauma and speeds up recovery. Therefore, it can be said that minimally invasive, endoscopic disc surgery is the most gentle disc surgery in the world. The "disadvantage" of this operation (from the point of view of many surgeons) is that it is technically very demanding, requires a long "learning curve" (or a lot of experience) for the surgeon, and requires special and complex instruments.

The Apex-Spine spine clinic has specialized in minimally invasive, endoscopic disc surgery for good reason. Leading specialists there have developed, co-developed or further developed methods and tools that enable precise, effective and safe treatment of disc problems. Dr. Schubert and his team now have experience from over 10,000 endoscopic disc surgeries.

Here you can find a worthwhile article in which minimally invasive microscopic and endoscopic disc surgery are compared:

Advantages of endoscopic disc surgery over open surgery

To complete the picture, here is a brief overview of the advantages of endoscopic disc surgery compared to conventional “open” surgery

Endoscopic disc surgery offers a number of advantages over traditional open surgical procedures. The main advantages include:

  1. Minimally invasive technique : Endoscopic disc surgery requires only small skin incisions to access the affected disc. This results in less wound trauma, less blood loss and a faster recovery.

  2. Less postoperative pain : Due to the minimally invasive nature of the procedure, patients often experience less postoperative pain and therefore require less pain medication.

  3. Faster recovery : Due to the reduced stress on the body and surrounding tissues, patients can typically mobilize more quickly and begin rehabilitation sooner after endoscopic disc surgery.

  4. Lower risk of complications : The endoscopic technique allows surgeons to work precisely and protect the surrounding structures, reducing the risk of complications such as infection, bleeding and nerve damage.

  5. Shorter hospital stay : Due to the faster recovery and healing after endoscopic disc surgery, a shorter hospital stay is required in many cases, resulting in earlier discharge home.

  6. Better cosmetic results : Because only small incisions are made, scars after endoscopic disc surgery are often smaller and more aesthetically pleasing.

Overall, endoscopic disc surgery offers a highly effective and gentle treatment option for disc problems and offers faster recovery and better outcomes for patients.