Specialist in neurosurgery

Since his specialist recognition as a neurosurgeon in 2018, Mr. Ahmed Baraka has gained extensive experience in microsurgical and minimally invasive spine surgery.

dwg certificate Most recently, as a senior physician, he specialized in minimally invasive approaches and stabilization of the entire spine. A significant advantage for patients is faster mobilization and reduced wound pain after such operations.

Another specialty is minimally invasive spinal therapy, which is now an integral part of multimodal pain therapy for chronic spinal diseases. In the area of diagnostics, the advantage is that the cause of the pain can be narrowed down. The extent of the operation required can therefore be kept as small as possible.

since 07.2020 Klinikum Altmühlfranken, Clinic for Accident and Reconstructive Surgery

since 04.2022 Senior Physician

07.2020-03.2022 Senior Physician

» Co-responsible for the Spinal Surgery and Neurotraumatology Section

» Participation and coordination of the interdisciplinary pain discussion

» Conducting neurosurgical consultations

» Participation and coordination of the morning DRG board

» Instruction of junior doctors during rounds and in the operating room

» Development of medical procedure instructions (SOPs) in the area of operative, interventional and intensive care work processes

» Surgical indication and implementation of degenerative and inflammatory spinal diseases: - Microsurgical nucleotomies/decompressions of the lumbar spine (monoportal bilateral decompressions, translaminar and extraforaminal approaches in the lumbar spine area) - Initial experience with endoscopic nucleotomies of the lumbar spine - Fusion procedures (PLIF, TLIF, initial experience with XLIF) - Ventral fusions and dorsal decompressions of the cervical spine - Cervical disc replacements

» Surgical indication and implementation of traumatic spinal diseases of the thoracic and lumbar spine: - Open and minimally invasive dorsal stabilizations - Balloon and stent-supported kyphoplasties

» Surgical indication and implementation of all common surgical procedures for traumatological and inflammatory diseases of cranial neurosurgery

» Indication and implementation of interventions on the spine (outpatient and as part of inpatient pain therapy) for diagnostics and therapy: - Periradicular therapies of the lumbar spine - Facet joint infiltrations, medial branch block in the area of the cervical spine, lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints - Endoscopic thermodenervation of the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints

04.2019 Spine Center, Atos Media Park Clinic Cologne Specialist in Neurosurgery

01.2018 – 09.2019 Paracelsus Clinic Osnabrück

12.2018 – 09.2019 Specialist in Neurosurgery

01.2018 – 12.2018 Assistant Doctor Neurosurgery

05.2014 – 12.2017 Oberschwabenklinik Ravensburg Assistant Doctor Neurosurgery

01.2012 – 03.2014 Helios Klinikum Krefeld Assistant Doctor Neurosurgery

08.2011 – 12.2011 St. Vincenz Hospital, Essen Assistant Doctor Cardiology/Internal Medicine

12.2018 Specialist recognition in neurosurgery

06.2011 Approval as a doctor

04.2007 – 03.2011 University of Duisburg-Essen Course of study: Human medicine Qualification: Second part of the medical examination

04.2004 – 08.2006 Georg-August-University, Göttingen Course of study: Human medicine Qualification: First part of the medical examination

1992 – 2002 Secondary school I and II, Krefeld Qualification: Abitur

euro spine diploma



The term "lumbago", which is still used in popular parlance today, dates back to the Middle Ages. At that time, there was no scientific explanation for the hunched-over protective posture after a sudden onset of pain, which resembled the hunched-over posture of a witch.

Thanks to modern therapeutic procedures, this term can now be “demystified”.

Around 80% of the population suffers from back pain at some point in their lives. The lumbar spine (lower back) is most frequently affected. The causes range from muscle tension, excessive strain on the intervertebral discs and small spinal joints to pain radiating into the legs. It is noteworthy that psychological stress can make back pain worse. Here too, the saying "not being able to bear the burden any longer" provides a wise answer.

That is why it is so important to take a break from your hectic everyday life when suffering from acute back pain in order to relieve the strain on your body and soul. These complaints usually respond well to conservative measures. These include step positioning, physiotherapeutic exercises and physical therapies (heat applications).

If the symptoms persist or if paralysis and reduced leg strength occur, there are usually other causes behind it.

A clinical examination by a spine specialist as well as imaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used here and help to quickly identify the causes.