since 07.2020 Klinikum Altmühlfranken, Clinic for Accident and Reconstructive Surgery

since 04.2022 Senior Physician

07.2020-03.2022 Senior Physician

» Co-responsible for the Spinal Surgery and Neurotraumatology Section

» Participation and coordination of the interdisciplinary pain discussion

» Conducting neurosurgical consultations

» Participation and coordination of the morning DRG board

» Instruction of junior doctors during rounds and in the operating room

» Development of medical procedure instructions (SOPs) in the area of operative, interventional and intensive care work processes

» Surgical indication and implementation of degenerative and inflammatory spinal diseases: - Microsurgical nucleotomies/decompressions of the lumbar spine (monoportal bilateral decompressions, translaminar and extraforaminal approaches in the lumbar spine area) - Initial experience with endoscopic nucleotomies of the lumbar spine - Fusion procedures (PLIF, TLIF, initial experience with XLIF) - Ventral fusions and dorsal decompressions of the cervical spine - Cervical disc replacements

» Surgical indication and implementation of traumatic spinal diseases of the thoracic and lumbar spine: - Open and minimally invasive dorsal stabilizations - Balloon and stent-supported kyphoplasties

» Surgical indication and implementation of all common surgical procedures for traumatological and inflammatory diseases of cranial neurosurgery

» Indication and implementation of interventions on the spine (outpatient and as part of inpatient pain therapy) for diagnostics and therapy: - Periradicular therapies of the lumbar spine - Facet joint infiltrations, medial branch block in the area of the cervical spine, lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints - Endoscopic thermodenervation of the lumbar spine and sacroiliac joints

04.2019 Spine Center, Atos Media Park Clinic Cologne Specialist in Neurosurgery

01.2018 – 09.2019 Paracelsus Clinic Osnabrück

12.2018 – 09.2019 Specialist in Neurosurgery

01.2018 – 12.2018 Assistant Doctor Neurosurgery

05.2014 – 12.2017 Oberschwabenklinik Ravensburg Assistant Doctor Neurosurgery

01.2012 – 03.2014 Helios Klinikum Krefeld Assistant Doctor Neurosurgery

08.2011 – 12.2011 St. Vincenz Hospital, Essen Assistant Doctor Cardiology/Internal Medicine